Continuing Education

Never Stop Learning

Wendy Pierno, Supervisor
516-277-5541 or

Spring 2025 Course Catalog and Registration Form 


REGISTRATION:  SEND BY MAIL AS SOON AS YOU RECEIVE THIS BROCHURE to ensure enrollment.  Registrations are processed in order of receipt of application and application fee. If you do not receive notice of course cancellation, assume you have been enrolled in the course.  You will only be notified in the event that a course is cancelled. 

MAIL TO:  Continuing Education, Locust Valley Central School District, Admin. Bldg., 22 Horse Hollow Road, Locust Valley, NY 11560.  Applications and fees must be received by the deadline listed in the brochure. 

IN PERSON:  In the lobby of the Locust Valley High School, Horse Hollow Rd. on the dates listed in the brochure.

REGISTRATION FEE:  The appropriate resident and non-resident fees are listed after each course description. Please use a separate check and form for each class. Make all checks payable to: LOCUST VALLEY CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. 

WHO MAY REGISTER: Residents and non-residents 18 years of age and over.  Residents of the Locust Valley Central School District will be given priority over non-residents.  ***For certain courses, Locust Valley Central School District Seniors may register for classes and receive a half price discount where noted - mark the registration form and your discount will be applied.

 Do you have a talent, area of expertise or special interest you would like to share with the LVCSD community? Consider teaching in our Continuing Education program. Please complete the instructor application located at the link below and send to the address indicated at the top of the page. You will be contacted if your course is one that could be offered in the program.