Locust Valley Honors Veterans and Active Military at Flags for Freedom

Locust Valley High School seniors gathered on Fred Smith Field on May 30 for the annual Flags for Freedom ceremony. This important event is a collaboration between the district and Operation Democracy to honor veterans and active military men and women.

Veterans from Bayville American Legion Robert H. Spittel Post 1285 and Locust Valley American Legion Howard Van Wagner Post 962 served as honored guests. Veterans and active military members gifted students with a trifolded American flag along with a copy of the U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence. The ceremony helps students understand the importance of the flag as a symbol of freedom.

The ceremony continues the district’s longstanding relationship with Operation Democracy and commitment to educating students on the sacrifices members of our military have made throughout our history. Over the summer, educators will create the Remembrance Project curriculum focusing on American involvement in and patriotism during World War II for the 2023-2024 school year.