Board of Education Meeting
Wednesday, November 16, 2022 at 7:30 p.m.
To be held in the Mini-Theater of the
Locust Valley Middle School/High School
99 Horse Hollow Road, Locust Valley.
The Budget & Finance/Facilities Committee will be meeting in the MS Library at 6:30 p.m. The Board Meeting will also be livestreamed so that the public will be able to view and/or listen to the meeting. The link to view the livestream will be posted on the website at:
It is anticipated that the Board of Education may act upon a resolution to convene an Executive Session after the Regular Meeting of the Board in order to discuss personnel matters regarding a particular person(s). Please note that an Executive Session is a portion of a school board meeting that is not open to the public. If any action is required to be taken in public session, the Board of Education will act in accordance with the law.
District Cler