On Oct. 18 and Oct. 19 Ann MacArthur Primary and Locust Valley Intermediate celebrated Unity Day! Unity Day is the signature event of National Bullying Prevention Month, that promotes joining together to create healthier communities through kindness, acceptance of difference, and inclusion.
Different activities took place throughout the week to celebrate the importance of being kind. Outside our school buildings, students worked on “Kindness in Chalk”, where they were tasked with decorating our sidewalks and driveways with messages of kindness and encouragement.
During lunch time, the LVE Mental Health team had students create kindness banners to decorate our hallways. Students also received an orange bracelet with the message “It’s Cool To Be Kind” to remind us of our commitment to a safe and inclusive school environment. Happy Unity Day Locust Valley

Locust Valley Celebrates Unity Day
November 8, 2022