Bayville Intermediate and Bayville Primary schools encouraged students to explore their reading interests during Parents as Reading Partners Week from March 3-7. Both schools had parents/guardians and school staff and administrators take time out of their busy schedules to visit classes and read to students.
On March 6, Bayville Intermediate School welcomed New York State Assemblyman Jake Blumencranz, Locust Valley Middle School Principal Mike Cestaro and Coordinator of Pupil Personnel Services Cheryl Whiting to read to students and answer questions about their unique jobs. On March 6 and 7, the Bayville Elementary School Parents Council set up a reading safari at Bayville Primary School where students could pick from the hundreds of books donated by the community and read inside the tent provided by principal Ross Cohen or by the beautiful rain forest displays constructed by the BEPC. On March 7, fifth grade students from Mr. Calandra’s class also made the walk over to read with pre-K students.