Locust Valley Middle School’s chorus and sixth grade got a virtual visit from Grammy Award-winning recording artist Lisa Loeb on Nov. 13 as they prepare for their winter concert in early December. Mrs. Christine Hujber’s chorus performed Loeb’s song “Light” and got tips from the artist, who won Best Children’s Album at the Grammy Awards in 2018. Loeb played her guitar from her home in Los Angeles and answered questions from students on how she got into the music industry.
over 1 year ago, LVCSD News
Chorus members Kirsten Dembrowski, Lily Ricketts, Alyssa Castorina and Valentina Iona at Locust Valley Middle School perform Lisa Loeb’s song “Light” for the recording artist.
Locust Valley Middle School sixth graders spoke with Grammy Award-winning artist Lisa Loeb on Nov. 13 in preparation of their winter concert.
Second grade students at Ann MacArthur Primary School in Locust Valley welcomed family, friends and service members to the school last week for a Veterans Day celebration. The students performed patriotic tunes like “You’re a Grand Old Flag” and “God Bless America” and presented veterans with flowers.
over 1 year ago, LVCSD News
AMP Vets 2023.
AMP Vets 2023.
AMP Vets 2023.
AMP Vets 2023.
AMP Vets 2023.
Show your school spirit by wearing green and Falcons gear on Friday, Nov. 17.
over 1 year ago, LVCSD News
Falcon Friday 11/17/23.
Embark on a Dungeons and Dragons-themed adventure “She Kills Monsters,” with the Locust Valley Jesters on Friday, Nov. 17, and Saturday, Nov. 18, at 7 p.m. Purchase tickets online at or at the door. This production may not be suitable for audiences under the age of 13.
over 1 year ago, LVCSD News
She Kills Monsters.
She Kills Monsters.
She Kills Monsters.
She Kills Monsters.
She Kills Monsters.
She Kills Monsters.
She Kills Monsters.
She Kills Monsters.
Five Locust Valley High School student athletes signed their National Letters of Intent on Nov. 8. Seniors Owen Hickey, Charlie Pisciotta, Connor Terrell and Philip Terrell committed to play lacrosse at Iona University, Southern New Hampshire University and St. Leo’s University, respectively, while Orlando Watson committed to compete in rowing at Dartmouth College. “Each of these student athletes comes from a family with strong athletic traditions, but they also emphasize the importance of schooling and education,” Athletic Director Danielle Turner Cosci said. “We could not be prouder of them for raising the bar for current and future Falcons.”
over 1 year ago, LVCSD News
Locust Valley High School seniors Philip Terrell, Owen Hickey, Orlando Watson, Connor Terrell and Charlie Pisciotta with Athletic Director Danielle Turner Cosci after signing their letters of intent to compete in college sports on Nov. 8.
From the first day of school to Halloween activities, read through the fall edition of Soundwaves to see what the amazing students and staff of the Locust Valley Central School District have been up to. Go to to read it online today!
over 1 year ago, LVCSD News
Fall Soundwaves 2023.
Fall Soundwaves 2023.
Fall Soundwaves 2023.
Fall Soundwaves 2023.
Fall Soundwaves 2023.
Fall Soundwaves 2023.
Fall Soundwaves 2023.
Fall Soundwaves 2023.
Several Locust Valley High School students have been honored by the New York State Art Teachers Association and the Nassau County High School Student Juried Art Competition and Exhibit this fall. Kyle Brown’s charcoal drawing, Annemie Germans’ acrylic painting and William Koch’s ceramic piece were chosen to exhibit their exceptional works in the 2023 New York State Art Teachers Association at the New York State School Boards Association’s annual convention from Oct. 26-28 in Buffalo. Another five outstanding art students had their works chosen by Adelphi University professor Robyn Cooper for the 2023 Nassau County High School Student Juried Art Competition and Exhibition. Victoria Alesi, Gianna Castiglione, Annemie Germans, Thomas Rutherford and Olivia Wilde had their art recognized at the Nov. 5 reception and will be in the gallery until Nov. 25. The students were among the 275 entries, 75 artists and 81 pieces accepted for the exhibition. “Art is a powerful language which can convey so much,” art teacher Melanie Mooney said. “I am immensely proud of these students who have spoken so eloquently through their works.”
over 1 year ago, LVCSD News
Locust Valley High School students Annemie Germans, William Koch and Kyle Brown (left to right) with their art pieces, which were selected to be displayed at the 2023 New York State Art Teachers Association at the New York State School Boards Association’s annual convention from Oct. 26-28 in Buffalo.
Locust Valley High School students Gianna Castiglione, Thomas Rutherford, Victoria Alesi, Annemie Germans and Olivia Wilde (left to right) had their art selected for display by the Nassau County High School Juried Art Competition and Exhibition on Nov. 5.
Locust Valley Middle School students celebrated Dia de los Muertos or Day of the Dead in Mrs. Juana Adames’ Spanish classes on Nov. 3 with fun activities like word searches and Loteria that gave students a chance to practice their Spanish vocabulary. Students also colored in a Day of the Dead mural and made friendship bracelets with messages in Spanish. In between activities, students also sat down to watch Disney’s “Coco,” which focuses on the Day of the Dead and Spanish culture. The celebration acted as a hands-on learning experience to complement the curriculum and the students’ studies of language and culture.
over 1 year ago, LVCSD News
Day of the Dead 2023.
Day of the Dead 2023.
Day of the Dead 2023.
Day of the Dead 2023.
Day of the Dead 2023.
The Locust Valley High School Interact Club is collecting baked goods to send to Locust Valley service members and veterans for Thanksgiving. Use your creativity to create patriotic treats for these heroes. Please deliver your items in a tin or container to HS room 136 by Thursday, Nov. 9.
over 1 year ago, LVCSD News
Locust Valley middle schoolers in Ms. Daniela Coloma and Ms. Alexandra Senglaub’s ENL class took a trip down to the technology room on Nov. 2 to create a shelter for bats. Technology instructor Mr. Charles Labansky showed the students how to construct the box out of wood, so that it can be hung up nearby. The bat box connects with a short story students read in class called “Building a Bat House.”
over 1 year ago, LVCSD News
LVMS Bat Boxes.
LVMS Bat Boxes.
LVMS Bat Boxes.
LVMS Bat Boxes.
Gain valuable experience and help make a special atmosphere for our amazing students in the Locust Valley Central School District. We are now hiring for a wide array of positions. Applicants should submit a letter of interest with their resume to the district office at 22 Horse Hollow Rd., Locust Valley or email Kathleen Sege at
over 1 year ago, LVCSD News
LVCSD Hiring Fall 2023.
Ten Locust Valley High School students visited the White House Experience in the Roosevelt School at Long Island University to take on some of the world’s most difficult challenges on Oct. 27 as part of National Civics Day. Students from eight Long Island high schools acted as their own presidential cabinets in small groups to deliberate on three different crisis situations and then presented their decisions to and faced questions from students in a room perfectly resembling the White House press room. Students explored the Roosevelt School’s Museum of Democracy, which contains artifacts from past presidents, candidates, first ladies and campaigns and a replica Oval Office. Tweed Roosevelt, the great grandson of President Theodore Roosevelt, also invited students to celebrate the 26th president’s 165th birthday with a cake and cupcakes.
over 1 year ago, LVCSD News
Ten Locust Valley High Schoolers took part in White House crisis situations at Long Island University’s Roosevelt School on Oct. 27 for National Civics Day.
Locust Valley junior John Hartnett acted as the president who received advice from his cabinet, which included juniors John Gambino, Dylan Mueller and freshman Dominic Spina (left to right), in crisis situations.
Locust Valley and Bayville schools put together some spectacular events throughout Halloween season. Bayville Intermediate students donned their creative costumes for the Halloween Howl in the school gymnasium. They were treated to amazing desserts made by parents and danced the night away into the weekend. Bayville Elementary Parents Council members provided delicious festive treats, as well. The high school and middle school welcomed children throughout the district for Safe Halloween. There, the costumed trick-or-treaters ventured into themed classrooms run by students and staff and got to participate in games, face painting, drawing and more. Locust Valley Intermediate students danced, played and enjoyed treats like cotton candy and popcorn at the Halloween Hullabaloo. Members of the Locust Valley Elementary Parents Council made sure everyone had an amazing time. Finally, on Halloween day, students throughout the district dressed up as their favorite characters, sports heroes and more. Bayville Primary and Ann MacArthur students put on heartwarming shows for their parents at their annual Halloween parades.
over 1 year ago, LVCSD News
LVCSD Halloween 2023.
LVCSD Halloween 2023.
LVCSD Halloween 2023.
LVCSD Halloween 2023.
LVCSD Halloween 2023.
LVCSD Halloween 2023.
LVCSD Halloween 2023.
LVCSD Halloween 2023.
LVCSD Halloween 2023.
LVCSD Halloween 2023.
With students settled back into their school routine, schools throughout the district had plenty of fun activities going on in October. From Oct. 5-13 the scholastic book fair came to Bayville and Locust Valley elementary schools with great books, toys, posters and more. Members of the Bayville Elementary Parents Council and the Locust Valley Elementary Parents Council set up the shelves and showed students around the fair. The Locust Valley Elementary Parents Council welcomed community members to Ann MacArthur Primary School on Oct. 13 for the Family Picnic. Students munched on treats like popcorn, cotton candy and pizza, played on inflatable slides and the new playground and got their faces painted. On Oct. 16, the middle school and high school Italian clubs announced the winners of its poster contest celebrating Italian American Heritage Month. Congratulations to middle schoolers Joey Jaszczuk, Abigail Madden, Mia Marcantonio, Charlie Ruotolo-Jampol and Liz Vitale, and high schoolers Jake Cobas, Rebecca DiDomizio, Ashley Grella and Vito Ricciardi for your amazing work. On Oct. 18, elementary students in Bayville and Locust Valley celebrated Unity Day by wearing orange and using chalk provided by the Locust Valley Elementary Parents Council and Bayville Elementary Parents Council to write kind messages and heartwarming art with a positive message. Thanks to our school counselors Allison Warfield and Jessica Colombini for bring Unity Day to the district again.
over 1 year ago, LVCSD News
October in LVCSD.
October in LVCSD.
October in LVCSD.
October in LVCSD.
October in LVCSD.
October in LVCSD.
October in LVCSD.
October in LVCSD.
In recognitions of their ongoing commitment to providing students with hands-on learning opportunities, Locust Valley Central School District’s gardening club teachers recently received a $30,000 grant to continue the program. The grant was presented to the team of educators by Nassau County District 18 Legislator Josh Lafazan during the district’s Oct. 18 board of education meeting. After a presentation by the gardening instructors, Legislator Lafazan surprised the educators with the grant. The teachers and librarians have worked with groups like the Cornell University Cooperative Extension who have had representatives visit students throughout the district to help students better understand the gardening process. “I was blown away in learning about kids being closer to nature, kids learning about agriculture and kids learning to decompress outside the classroom,” Lafazan said. “Gardening is such an important measure in help with anxiety and depression in students and helping kids learn with their hands. This program is really remarkable.” For the past five years, the district’s school librarians have worked on the Learning Experience Academic Program or LEAP curriculum. Elementary school librarians Jennifer Farrell, Devon Gallagher, Anne Joyce and Stefanie Maura and middle and high school instructor Tina Hament and have used the program to teach students how to garden and beautify the school grounds.
over 1 year ago, LVCSD News
LVCSD Gets Gardening Grant.
Come out to support the talented Locust Valley High School Jesters as they bring the story of ‘She Kills Monsters: Young Adventurers Edition’ at the school theater on Nov. 17 and 18 at 7 p.m. Tickets are $12 at the door and $10 at the link here: and in the QR code on the flyer. This production may not be suitable for audiences under the age of 13.
over 1 year ago, LVCSD News
LVHS Fall Drama 2023.
First grade students at Ann MacArthur Primary School have been learning about rights and responsibilities in their social studies classes. As part of this unit, teachers read students the book “Just Help” by Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor. The book discusses how people young and old can enrich their communities with positive contributions. In the book, Sotomayor asks “How will you help today?” Students came up with ideas for what they can do to help make their home, school and broader community better and drew a picture of what they planned to do. Henry in Kimmarie Herlich’s class said he will be helping his father in their backyard garden. Henry’s classmate Gabbie is going to visit her grandmother and play games like bingo with her.
over 1 year ago, LVCSD News
AMP Civics Lesson 2023.
The Locust Valley Parents Councils are inviting students to enjoy the night at Adventureland on Nov. 3 from 5:30-9:30 p.m. The park will only be open to our Falcon Family. Food and beverages will be available for purchase at the park. Show your school spirit by wearing your Falcons team jerseys and gear. Register for your spot here If you have any questions, please call or text Lorie Minicozzi at 516-448-7872 or email at Tickets are limited, so get yours today.
over 1 year ago, LVCSD News
LVCSD Takes Adventureland.
The Locust Valley Parents Councils are inviting students to enjoy the night at Adventureland on Nov. 3 from 5:30-9:30 p.m. The park will only be open to our Falcon Family. Food and beverages will be available for purchase at the park. Show your school spirit by wearing your Falcons team jerseys and gear. Register for your spot here: LVCSD Takes Over Adventureland! 11/3/23 - Cheddar Up. If you have any questions, please call or text Lorie Minicozzi at 516-448-7872 or email at Tickets are limited, so get yours today.
over 1 year ago, LVCSD News
LVCSD Takes Adventureland.
Locust Valley High School seniors Riley Haas and Kelsey Neves have been named the Class of 2024 valedictorian and salutatorian, respectively. Haas and Neves were recognized by Principal Patrick DiClemente at the district’s board of education meeting on Oct. 18. Haas achieved a weighted average of 109.28 through her academic journey, including 13 IB courses, three Advanced Placement courses, band, guitar and Spanish classes. She also volunteers to play with life skills students’ Unified Basketball team. She was also recognized as an AP Scholar earlier this school year. English teacher Dr. Coleen Comerford described Haas as “attentive, patient, positive and a thoughtful listener with a strong sense of responsibility. Comerford also said that “Beyond her stellar academics, she is remarkable for her kindness and compassion.” Haas is also extremely active in extracurricular clubs and sports, participating in Technology Club, Student Government, stage crew, field hockey, softball, volleyball teams. Additionally, she is an avid sailor and volunteers her time at the Grenville Boys and Girls Club in Locust Valley. Haas is also a talented All-County flute musician and accomplished girl scout pursuing a seal of biliteracy. “I’ve always pushed myself to have high grades,” Haas said. “Last year I noticed that I had a shot at it (valedictorian), and I worked hard to get there.” After she graduates, Haas hopes to study marine engineering. She discovered her love for that subject while away at summer camp during middle school where she built a small boat. Neves has earned a weighted average of 107.4 through her time in Locust Valley, completing seven IB courses, three AP courses, French, physics, forensics, international relations, Model U.N club., band, journalism, computer art and design, ceramics, sculpture and career exploratory. She has also been recognized as a National Merit Commended Student, a National PTA Reflections Literary Program winner and has participated in the All-County music festival. She is also pursuing a seal of biliteracy. After graduating, Neves hopes to continue her passion for creative writing in college. She has been inspired by English teachers Dr. Cumerford and Anthony Vitale. “I knew I enjoyed writing, but I’ve gotten to hone in on that skill,” Neves said. “I was kind of lost as to what direction I wanted to go in the future, but having those outlets helped me figure out what I want to do with my life.” Neves’ extracurriculars include participating in the art, garden, culinary, fashion and Gender-Sexualities Alliance clubs. She is also the editor of school newspaper “Perspective,” the art and literature magazine and the mental health awareness club’s newsletter. “Neves’ diligent efforts, passion for success and overall attention to pursuing all the opportunities to achieve at Locust Valley High School have resulted in her status as the salutatorian,” DiClemente said.
over 1 year ago, LVCSD News
Locust Valley High School seniors Riley Haas (left) and Kelsey Neves (right) have been named the Class of 2024 valedictorian and salutatorian, respectively.