The Locust Valley Middle School Parents Council is inviting students to enjoy the night at Adventureland on Oct. 7 from 5:30-9:30 p.m. The park will only be open to our Falcon Family. Food and beverages will be available for purchase at the park.
Register for your spot here: https://my.cheddarup.com/c/lvcsd-takes-over-adventurelandb. The deadline to purchase tickets is Saturday, Sept. 30, at 1 p.m. If you have any questions, please call or text Lorie Minicozzi at 516-448-7872 or email at lvmspcpresident@gmail.com. Tickets are limited, so get yours today.

After a week of learning about the heroic sacrifices of Allied soldiers at Normandy, the Locust Valley High School Falcons and Cold Spring Harbor High School Seahawks team took to the gridiron on Sept. 23 in similar weather conditions to those on D-Day.
The game, the first of its kind played in the United States, kicked off with a ceremonial coin toss performed by Helen Patton, the daughter of General George Patton, as players donned red, white and blue jerseys. Both teams’ jerseys were signed by each Falcon and Seahawk during a ceremony on Sept. 21. The Falcons scored two late touchdowns on a Connor Geertgens strike to Michael Hancock and a fumble recovery by Michael DiLorenzo to win 20-8.
The Falcons and coach Michael Gilbert returned to the school gymnasium after the game in their waterlogged gear to receive the trophy from Ms. Patton.
The Remembrance Bowl is a flag football game played between the 101st and 82nd Airborne Divisions in Sainte-Mere-Eglise, France, the first community recaptured by the Allies on D-Day, to commemorate a game that was supposed to be played by American soldiers in December 1944, but was cancelled when the troops were redeployed to Belgium for the Battle of the Bulge. Helen Patton and Michelle Strauss of Patton Legacy Sports brought “The Game That Never Happened” to life in 2018.
The Locust Valley-based organization Operation Democracy helped form a bond between the hamlet and Sainte-Mere-Eglise after the war and the two communities became sister cities. Thankful for the aid, the mayor’s wife Simone Renaud wrote a poem entitled “Locust Valley” to mark the bond.
Locust Valley Central School District educators spent the summer tailoring a unit of World War II history to students from kindergarten to 12th grade, culminating in lessons the week of the Remembrance Bowl.

Locust Valley Middle School and High School students and staff celebrated spirit week from Sept. 18 to 22 by dressing up for themed days in Hawaiian luau attire, stars and stripes and green for Falcon Friday. On Friday, students also got ready for the Remembrance Bowl homecoming game with a pep rally on Fred Smith Field.

Locust Valley Middle School and High School students and staff celebrated spirit week from Sept. 18 to 22 by dressing up for themed days in Hawaiian luau attire, stars and stripes and green for Falcon Friday. On Friday, students also got ready for the Remembrance Bowl homecoming game with a pep rally on Fred Smith Field.

The homecoming parade will continue as planned, meeting at the Centre Island Beach parking lot at 10:30 a.m. and starting at 11 a.m.
All pregame and halftime activities will be moved into the gymnasium on Saturday, starting at 12:15 p.m. with a screening of “The Sixth of June” in the mini theater. The student performances will all take place after 1 p.m. in the gymnasium. The game will still begin at 2 p.m.

Before the Falcons and Cold Spring Harbor Seahawks take to Fred Smith Field on Sept. 23, at 2 p.m., you can learn more about the rich history of the Remembrance Bowl in the new edition of Soundwaves. Go to Newsletters | Locust Valley Central School District (locustvalleyschools.org) to read the newsletter online.

When the first Remembrance Bowl in the United States begins at Fred Smith Field at Locust Valley High School on Sept. 22, students from kindergarten to 12th grade in attendance will have a better appreciation for the bravery of Allied soldiers at D-Day nearly 80 years ago. History teachers in the Locust Valley Central School District worked all summer to prepare an age-appropriate unit for each grade level to be taught the week before the game. That unit will focus on the World War II, events of D-Day and how the Allies liberated Europe and Locust Valley’s sister city of Sainte-Mere-Eglise, France.
“It is with great pride that I am able to be part of the collaborative efforts of Locust Valley teachers and the community with developing and aligning curriculum to assist our students to understand the historical significance surrounding the events that took place on D-Day,” Superintendent of Schools Kristen Turnow said. “I believe that we are paving the way for other school districts throughout the country to follow in our footsteps to remember how the brave soldiers of our great nation have defended the very freedom that we are blessed with today.”
The unit will be the starting point for school districts throughout the country to build off of when they decide to bring the Remembrance Bowl to their communities.
“The Remembrance Project curriculum project has been such a rewarding experience, as it allowed for a great deal of cross-curricular collaboration,” Interim Coordinator of Social Studies and Business, Joe Enea said. “Having the curriculum reach a national audience helps to ensure that both the impact of the Normandy invasion and the stories of the men and women who dedicated their lives to our freedom will never be forgotten.”

The new school year brought exciting new activities for recess on Sept. 8 at Ann MacArthur Primary School, as the students finally explored the new playground. Constructed over the past few weeks as a part of the district’s capital project, the playground consists of two main play areas tailored to student grade levels, eight sets of swings, kaleidoscopes, noise-making boxes and benches.

You can be part of the historic Remembrance Bowl by placing your advertisements in the homecoming journal. All event underwriters will have their name displayed throughout the events and in the commemorative program. All event sponsors will be included in event signage and/or the commemorative program. Be a catalyst to help ensure this game continues throughout the country.
Please email all journal advertisement information to LVHSPC@gmail.com by Sept. 15th!!

Sixth graders at Locust Valley Middle School finished their first week of school with games like ultimate frisbee, cornhole and volleyball at Falcon Fest on Sept. 8. The event was designed by Falcon Pride Booster Club and school administration and athletics as a way to bring together students coming from Locust Valley Intermediate and Bayville Intermediate. High school student government members were also on hand to help run games and pass out the snacks and water provided by Falcon Pride.

Locust Valley Central School District schools honored the nearly 3,000 lives lost during the 9/11 attacks in ceremonies on Sept. 11.
During the ceremony, Locust Valley High School student Sarah Paulus sang the Star-Spangled Banner and fellow student Sarah Nearenberg played taps during a moment of silence, while middle school students held up a flag with the names of each of the lives lost that day. Middle and high school students learned about the events of Sept. 11, 2001, during their social studies classes on Monday, so that they will truly never forget what happened that day.
Ann MacArthur Primary School and Bayville Primary School each hosted their own ceremonies for elementary school students where students performed patriotic tunes like “America the Beautiful” and planted American flags in the ground.
“Our student representatives from Back the Blue Club and middle and high school students’ governments exemplified grace and deep gratitude for our heroes,” Superintendent of Schools Kristen Turnow said. “I was honored to be a small part of this commemoration.”

Locust Valley Central School District and the Remembrance Committee cordially invite you to the Remembrance Project Kick Off Luncheon on Friday, Sept. 22 at the Crescent Beach Club in Bayville at 11 a.m. Featured speakers Helen Ayer Patton of The Patton Foundation and Michelle Strauss of Patton Legacy Sports will be on hand to talk about the origins of The Remembrance Bowl and Project.
Tickets are $65 per person. Please RSVP by Sept. 20 at https://my.cheddarup.com/c/remembrance-project?cart=2a00e232-ce89-4e70-bae1-4b418ae0104f%21%2162293354 or in the district’s Instagram bio. If you have any questions, please call Lorie Minicozzi at 516-448-7872.

Today, the district joins with the rest of the country to honor and reflect upon the events of 9/11/01.

Locust Valley High School varsity athletes returned to practice in late August to get back into game shape, but on Aug. 30, they took part in a leadership workshop with the Lead ‘Em Up organization to mentally prepare themselves for the season.
All 14 fall varsity sports teams and their coaches listened in the high school auditorium as a speaker from Lead ‘Em Up explained how to sharpen their leadership skills by being a positive influence on their teammates in practice and games.
The Lead’ Em Up organization engages coaches and students in youth, high school and college sports all over the country, and provides in-person and online leadership and communication exercises to develop players into leaders.
Each Locust Valley coach had teammates pair up to push each other to be great throughout the season. Win or lose, the Falcons will be maturing and learning in every practice and game.

Locust Valley Central School District staff and faculty returned from their summer vacation on Sept. 5 to prepare for the first day of school during Superintendent’s Conference Day. New and veteran faculty members reconnected at a morning breakfast at the high school cafeteria before gathering in the auditorium for a welcome address by Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kristen Turnow. Joining Dr. Turnow were members of the board of education, who collectively honored faculty and staff members who are entering their 30, 25 and 20 years, respectively, in the district during the event.
Guest speaker Regina Smith; founder of The Karmic Grind in Locust Valley and The Gritty Buddha Yoga and 2.0M Yoga in Glen Cove, encouraged faculty to take a breath before the year begins and embrace patience.
The staff spent the remainder of the day setting up their classrooms and attending faculty meetings, all to prepare for the opening day of school.

The Locust Valley Central School District welcomed students back for the start of the 2023-2024 school year on Sept. 6. Nearly 2,000 students excitedly returned to classes in Locust Valley and Bayville to embark on another year in their academic journey.
“I am so excited to see our students back in the buildings for the start of what is certain to be a very special school year,” Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kristen Turnow said. “None of this can happen without the dedication and commitment from our wonderful administrators, faculty and staff for all their hard work to set up our students for success.”

Incoming kindergartners and third graders played with their friends and made new ones at the Bayville Primary, Bayville Intermediate and Locust Valley Intermediate meet and greets on Aug. 28. Students took to the playgrounds, while parents reconnected with each other and got to speak to their building principals ahead of the first day of school on Sept. 6.
On Aug. 30, incoming sixth grade students and their parents were greeted by the new middle school principal Michael Cestaro and faculty for orientation. Students met their teachers and got a tour of the building, while Mr. Cestaro introduced himself and spoke to parents about everything from technology to the daily schedule and exciting events this year. The next day, the Middle School Parents Council hosted students at Soundside Beach for a post orientation party.
New prekindergarten students came to Ann MacArthur Primary and Bayville Primary schools on Aug. 31 and got to play and meet new friends in their classrooms, while parents spoke with their teachers.

You can represent the Falcons and the red, white and blue by purchasing Remembrance Bowl gear from the 2023 homecoming stores here: https://lvhshomecoming2023.itemorder.com/shop/home/ https://www.google.com/url?q=https://blatantteamstore.com/collections/locust-valley-hs-remembrance-bowl-team-store&source=gmail-imap&ust=1694102843000000&usg=AOvVaw1EjCk3jakA1K8_xCpVPHym and at the link in our Instagram bio. Grab your Falcons shirts, sweaters and hats before the online store closes on Sept. 10!

In just a few weeks, Locust Valley Central School District will host the first Remembrance Bowl in the United States. The week of the game, which kicks off at 2 p.m. on Sept. 23, kindergarten to 12th grade students will learn about the heroic acts of Allied soldiers during the D-Day invasion and subsequent liberation of Europe, including Locust Valley’s sister city Sainte-Mere-Eglise, France, in a unit curated by our incredible teachers.
On Sept. 23, the festivities will begin with the homecoming parade at 11 a.m. At 1:15 p.m., the Remembrance Ceremony will start at the high school’s Fred Smith Field, and at 2 p.m. our local heroes in the American Legion will participate in the coin toss and the game will kick off. Overflow parking and a shuttle to the game will be available at Stehli Beach.
Educators from across the country will be on hand to observe and learn how to bring the Remembrance Bowl to their communities in the future.
Go to Remembrance Bowl (lvremembrancebowl.com) for more information.

The district welcomed 19 new teachers to the Falcon Family this week. Experienced faculty and administration members helped acclimate the new teachers during a two-day orientation program, which included tours of the schools and technology training.