Scenes from the Thanksgiving celebrations at Ann MacArthur Primary, Bayville Primary and Bayville Intermediate today.
over 2 years ago, LVCSD News
AMP kindergartners perform a Thanksgiving concert.
Mrs. Wasserman and two Bayville Primary students at the Thanksgiving Feast.
Bayville Intermediate held their first balloon parade.
Join the LVCSD team as a substitute teacher! Go to to learn more or apply online at
over 2 years ago, LVCSD News
Join the LVCSD team as a substitute teacher!
Here are some behind-the-scenes shots of the dedicated cast and crew of “The One-Act Play That Goes Wrong” presented by the Locust Valley Jesters. Get tickets to the Saturday and Sunday shows at
over 2 years ago, LVCSD News
Members of the Locust Valley Jesters rehearse for The One-Act Play That Goes Wrong.
LV Jesters present The One-Act Play That Goes Wrong on 11/19 at 7 p.m. and 11/20 at 2 p.m.
Locust Valley High School seniors Jack Baker and Payton Tini were named Heisman High School Scholarship School Winners on Nov. 2. The football and lacrosse stars balanced school and sports, surpassing the 3.0 GPA required for consideration.
over 2 years ago, LVCSD News
Locust Valley seniors Jack Baker and Payton Tini have been named the school’s winners for the Heisman High School Scholarship.
Throughout October, Locust Valley and Bayville schools had containers placed at their entrances inviting students to donate socks to local organizations that will support families in need. On Nov. 4, school social worker Bidania Criscuolo announced that district students donated 885 pairs of socks to The People’s Pantry in Oyster Bay, The Village Church of Bayville, St. Gertrude’s Church in Bayville and St. Patrick’s Church of Glen Cove.
over 2 years ago, LVCSD News
LVHS school social worker Bidania Criscuolo with the 885 donations for Socktober.
Students at AMP wear their crazy socks at the close of Socktober donations.
Bayville Primary students wear their crazy socks.
Four distinguished Locust Valley High School athletes announced their commitments to college on Nov. 10. Seniors Payton Tini, Olivia Del Tatto, Christian Corey and Charles Dickman will continue their student-athlete journeys at Rutgers University, Vassar College, St. Peter’s University and Rome City, respectively. Tini, Del Tatto and Dickman will play lacrosse and Corey will play baseball.
over 2 years ago, LVCSD News
Charles Dickman, Christian Corey, Payton Tini and Olivia Del Tatto announced their intentions to play college sports on Nov. 10.
Locust Valley and Bayville schools paid respects to our brave men and women of the United States armed forces today across all six schools in the district. Students performed patriotic songs and got to speak with veterans about their experiences.
over 2 years ago, LVCSD News
A World War II veteran with his grandson outside AMP.
Locust Valley Middle and High School students have a new place to refuel after school, as the LV Café opened on Nov. 7. Located at the high school store, the café provides affordable snacks and drinks for students and student-athletes after school hours.
over 2 years ago, LVCSD News
LV Cafe opened on Nov. 7 to provide students a place to get snacks and drinks after school.
On Nov. 9, local veterans and several members of Bayville’s American Legion Post 1285 came to Locust Valley High School to share their experiences with students. The district will commemorate Veterans Day on Thursday with ceremonies at each school to thank servicepeople for their service.
over 2 years ago, LVCSD News
Veterans from American Legion Post 1285 in Bayville visited LVHS to share their experiences.
Local veterans recalled their service on Nov. 9.
A veteran from the Korea conflict came to speak.
To close out October, Locust Valley High School’s Pre-Health and Cancer Awareness clubs held the First Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Walk-a-Thon on Oct. 28. Students came over to the track at Fred Smith Field during the school day and purchased pink ribbons and bracelets before walking with their friends. On Nov. 4, the clubs announced that they raised $500 which will go to a cancer charity once the clubs vote on one.
over 2 years ago, LVCSD News
Students purchased pink bracelets for breast cancer awareness.
Faculty joined students in walking the track.
The pre-health and cancer awareness clubs raised $500 in their inaugural breast cancer walk-a-thon.
Four Locust Valley High School students will have their art pieces displayed by the 2022 Nassau County High School Student Juried Art Competition and Exhibition from Nov. 6-26 at The Art Guild of Port Washington. William Koch, Sammar Khwaja, Clare Simon and Julianna Nabet combined to have five pieces chosen by their peers that range from paintings to drawings to a sculpture. Koch’s “The Walls of Our Youth” is a black and white, painted self-portrait that blurs towards the bottom of the image possibly alluding to his future artistic endeavors. “I’m definitely looking to expand,” he said. “I’ve never done a portrait of this size. I’m looking to make some more conceptual art in the future.” Khwaja combined her appreciation for her aunt, a painter and florist, and one of her favorite artists in her “Nancy Franke Study.” Khwaja, who is known by her peers as a talented sketch artist, stepped out of her comfort zone to bring this dark floral piece to life. “Trilogy” saw Clare Simon, who had a fall landscape painting selected by the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Nassau County in early October, venture into a more conceptual direction with the three faces in the piece. Nabet has two pieces chosen with her drawing “Color Me Carelessly” and her first sculpture, “Dormant.” “It was a refreshing experience trying something I’ve never done before,” Nabet said of her sculpture. “My art process is very calculated, and I usually do a lot of research and planning, but with this it was free form, and I did what felt right and natural.”
over 2 years ago, LVCSD News
Locust Valley High School students (left to right) William Koch, Sammar Khwaja, Clare Simon and Julianna Nabet with their selected art pieces.
Locust Valley High School Student Government and teachers Stephanie Scavelli and Ashley Gruter held a volleyball tournament on Nov. 2. The idea for the event came during last year’s Battle of the Grades, where students spent a majority of the time playing volleyball. Entry fees from the eight teams will go towards the Intergenerational Dinner in March as well as other Student Government events.
over 2 years ago, LVCSD News
LVHS students took part in the Student Government Volleyball Tournament on Nov. 2.
One of the eight volleyball teams prepares for the tournament.
Another volleyball team.
A member of the varsity soccer team prepares his serve.