October 2024

Dear Locust Valley High School Students, Staff, and Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

Halloween, and the surrounding events, is a tradition celebrated by many people but not all people.  The students and staff of our school respect the fact that October 31st may carry a diverse meaning for all of our families.  As we approach Thursday, October 31st please note:

Students may choose to dress in “costume” if the costume is suitable and appropriate in an educational atmosphere. Props, that may include sticks, brooms, weapons, or any item that may be considered to be inappropriate, dangerous, or cumbersome, are not permitted.  The identity of any student may not be disguised.

Any individual or groups organizing candy drives to send to our troops or costume collections to support future use for others, please consider communicating with the staff in our school office so that all efforts can be combined.

Thank you in advance for your support as we work together to foster activity that is safe and enjoyable.  


Patrick J. DiClemente