Students and staff in the Locust Valley Central School District commemorated the brave military heroes throughout the community with ceremonies for Veterans Day.
On Nov. 8, Ann MacArthur Primary School, Locust Valley Intermediate School and Bayville Intermediate School each hosted ceremonies where students sang patriotic tunes and presented poppy flowers and art pieces to the many veterans within the school community.
Students listened intently as veterans spoke about their experiences and the importance of each branch of the military.

Inspired by the many activities during the Remembrance Project Week in September, students in Ms. Mooney’s Drawing and Painting class created projects based around the poppy flower, which is known as a symbol of commemoration for soldiers who have fallen in the line of duty.
Students incorporated photos provided by some of our local Veterans of Foreign Wars posts in their pieces, which are now on display outside of the school auditorium.
All gave some, but some gave all. Thank you to all who have served and are currently serving in our military, especially our local heroes.

Bayville Primary School took to the polls on Nov. 4 to select a new critter to be added to the main office’s fish tank for their own version of election day.
Second grade teachers Jessica Coules, Carolyn Morales and Jennifer Pagan helped their classes do research, nominate the animal of their choice and create campaign slogans, posters and video to promote their nominee. The classes nominated a Bolivian Ram Fish, a Mystery Snail and a Neon Tetra as the three options.
The second graders created voting booths, ballots and a ballot box and guided pre-K to second grade students and staff members in the school, as well as Principal Ross Cohen and board of education president Lauren Themis, throughout the voting process.
The activity helped students learn that even at a young age, people can make choices and take actions to impact our lives and communities in a positive way.
When students returned to school on Nov. 6 after our national election, Principal Cohen announced that Neon Tetra fish had won the election. Next, students will vote to name the fish.

Locust Valley Middle and High School students in the Students Against Destructive Decisions (S.A.D.D.) club, school counselors and guest speaker Stephen Hill hosted activities throughout Red Ribbon Week from Oct. 28 to Nov. 1 to help students make smart choices in life.
On Oct. 28, S.A.D.D. club members and staff gave out red ribbon stickers as students entered the middle and high school building. Throughout the rest of the week, the club and school counselors went to middle school classrooms and educated students on the dangers of destructive decisions involving drugs and alcohol.
On Nov. 1, guest speaker Stephen Hill, founder of Speak Sobriety, spoke to middle and high school students about how he escaped his own destructive decisions, recovered and now teaches young people about substance use prevention and mental health awareness.
The district thanks to everyone who made Red Ribbon Week an informative and special time!

Five Locust Valley High School artists have been accepted into this year’s Nassau County High School Art Competition.
Seniors Annemie Germans, Maeve Germans, Angelina Grygoriak and Joe Hataier and junior Julia Pisciotta had their pieces, “Growth and Decay,” “Trois Bios En Lin,” “Ukrainian Traditional Clothing,” Self Portrait” and “Reclined Dog” selected to be displayed at The Art Guild at 200 Port Washington Blvd., from Nov. 3-23. Annemie Germans’ and Joe Hataier’s pieces were also selected as an honorable mention and a finalist in the competition, respectively.
The prestigious event, hosted by The Art Guild in Manhasset and juried by acclaimed artist and Co-Director of the Long Island Academy of Fine Art Steve Forster, showcases exceptional talent from students across the county.
“Watching my students’ hard work and creativity being recognized is one of the greatest rewards of teaching,” art teacher Melanie Mooney said. “I am fortunate to teach such talented students and to see them shine.”

District schools got into the Halloween spirit by dressing up for activities throughout Halloween week.
On Oct. 30, Locust Valley Intermediate students wore their costumes for the Halloween Hulabaloo at the school gym put together by our amazing Locust Valley Elementary Parents Council and school staff. Students danced, played games and had delicious food for dinner.
On Halloween, middle and high school students and staff wore their costumes to class, and Ann MacArthur Primary and Bayville Primary students made memories at the annual parades, which were attended by their loved ones.

Locust Valley Middle and High School students and staff donned costumes, decorated their classrooms and created fun games and activities to host local trick or treaters after school on Oct. 24 for the annual Safe Halloween celebration.
The costumed trick or treaters went to over a dozen classrooms, each with its own theme and activity, with candy bags that middle and high school students helped them customize with stickers and markers. The guests were greeted with such exciting sights as roving robots delivering sweets courtesy of the school’s robotics club and a science lesson on how to create spooky fog from teacher Louis DeRose.

The middle and high schools celebrated homecoming spirit week from Oct. 21-25 with themed dress-up days such as Biker vs. Surfer, Crocs and Crazy Socks, Falcon Friday, Pink Day and Western Day.
After participating in those exciting themed-days, middle and high school students and staff celebrated their athletes with pep rallies at Fred Smith Field on Oct. 24 and 25, respectively. During these rallies, the student bodies enjoyed performances from the chamber singers, the pep band, the cheerleading and kickline teams. Each athlete had their moment of recognition, running through the beautiful inflatable LV Falcons arch, provided by our amazing high school parents council, as their names were called.
At the high school pep rally, the homecoming court was announced, with juniors Aidan Russo and Evie Bergman as the prince and princess and seniors Joseph Hataier and Katie Kuebler as king and queen.
Then on Saturday, students enjoyed the homecoming festivities and a huge 13-8 win by the varsity football team.

The Locust Valley Falcons celebrated a victorious themed homecoming weekend, Oct. 25-26, that capped off a week of incredible festivities.
The fun began with Friday’s pep rally that pumped up students and staff for Saturday’s football game against the Malverne Mules. School spirit was on full display during the parade that showcased the artistic creativity of each class through their intricately designed Western-themed floats as they cruised through Bayville and Locust Valley. The party continued at Fred Smith Field, where the cheerleading, kickline and football teams all celebrated their senior days.
Once the homecoming events concluded, all eyes were on the football team as they continued to battle for a playoff spot. Wide receiver Kyle Demosthene hauled in two touchdowns from quarterback Connor Geertgens and the defense made a crucial fourth down and inches stop in the waning moments of the fourth quarter –securing a 13-8 victory.
From the pep rally, to the parade and all of the festivities on gameday, including a visit from the high school’s Class of 1974, the community once again made homecoming day an amazing celebration of its athletes and a showcase of its school spirit.

On Oct. 22, Ann MacArthur Primary School students took a short field trip over to the Locust Valley Fire Department headquarters to learn fire safety techniques and how these hometown heroes do their jobs. Students got a look at the tools, gear and trucks firefighters and emergency medical services use to help those in need. They were also able to use the fire hose to put out a mock fire.
On Oct. 23, volunteer firefighters visited AMP to give the pre-K students a tour of their truck and gifted them with LVFD helmets.
Thank you to the LVFD for teaching our students these important fire safety lessons!

Last week, Locust Valley and Bayville got into the autumn season with the Halloween Howl and Fall Fair, respectively.
The Fall Fair had a great turnout at Ann MacArthur Primary School, with students playing in inflatable bouncy castles and obstacle courses, enjoying face painting, dancing and snacking on cotton candy, pizza and popcorn provided by the Locust Valley Elementary Parents Council.
During the Halloween Howl at Bayville Intermediate School, students dressed in their best costumes, danced, played games and ate delicious desserts provided by the Bayville Elementary Parents Council.
Thank you to our wonderful parents and staff for making Friday a great start to the Halloween season.

This Saturday, Oct. 26, marks the Locust Valley High School homecoming game. The parade will assemble at 11:10 a.m. at Centre Island Beach and starts at 12 p.m. The parade will travel through Bayville Avenue., Bayville Road, Buckram Road, Weir Lane and Horse Hollow Road and finish at the high school’s Fred Smith Field. Make sure you are down at the field early for the senior day ceremony before the Falcons take on the Malverne Mules at 2 p.m. For more information, please go to https://locustvalleycsdny.sites.thrillshare.com/o/lvhs/article/1823879.

Ann MacArthur Primary School and Locust Valley Middle School each held programs last week to promote positive social media and technology use.
At AMP, librarian Devon Gallagher taught students strategies on how to disconnect from their computers, phones and video games through strategies such as reading, setting screen time limits and going outside. She then brought students out to the garden in the recess yard to identify which types of flowers they saw using paper binoculars they made in class.
At the middle school, Principal Cestaro and Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kristen Turnow spoke to students at an assembly about the critical importance of creating a safe environment for learning. Students were reminded that their words online or in person carry meaning and that loose or careless speech can lead to serious consequences that can follow them into their futures.

Superintendent of Schools Kristen Turnow and Middle School Principal Michael Cestaro traveled to Manhattan on Oct. 22 for the New York State School Board Association's annual conference to present on how going cell phone free has had a positive effect on students and school environment in the district.

The Locust Valley Central School District is now hiring for both instructional and non-instructional roles. These roles include certified teacher assistant, teacher aide, school monitor, substitute bus driver, school nurse, certified substitute teacher, food service helper and more.
You can apply now by emailing a resume and cover letter to hr@locustvalleyschools.org. Jobs are also posted on www.olasjobs.org.

Tickets are now on sale for the Locust Valley High School Jesters’ production of “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child” on Nov. 22 and 23 at 7 p.m. each night. Tickets are $10 each and can be purchased online at https://cur8.com/schedule/item/39980/337486?event=126203&date=337486 or by scanning the QR code on the poster.

The District hosted its ninth annual Bilingual Night on Wednesday, Oct. 16. Dozens of families filled the middle/high school cafeteria to get reacquainted with friends and colleagues, eat incredible meals and desserts that represent each culture, and learn important new information about the district. Parents heard about the exciting things happening in Locust Valley from Superintendent of Schools Kristen Turnow and were taught how to navigate Parent Portal and the district website by student representatives. K-12 students had the chance to see their favorite teachers and principals from throughout the district. District interpreter Cyndy Ergen once again brought several community organizations together to partake in the event and provide raffle baskets.

Locust Valley High School’s Interact Club and student government sent several boxes of aid items to those affected by Hurricane Helene on Oct. 11.
Middle and high school families came together to provide important supplies, such as clothes, diapers and formula for those in dire need after the devastating storm.
“I am so proud to be part of a school community that so clearly cares for those in need,” Locust Valley High School Principal Patrick DiClemente said. “An act of kindness like this again demonstrates the huge hearts among our students, staff and families.”

The district will host the first Bilingual Night of the year tomorrow, Oct. 15, at 7 p.m. in the high school cafeteria. All district families are invited to celebrate Hispanic cultures, learn about school resources such as parent portal and our new communication platform Parent-Square, wear your Falcon green and enjoy food and desserts from each of the unique cultures represented in our community. Together we are stronger as a Falcon Family.

Locust Valley Middle and High School students used their artistic abilities to depict their Italian American heritage as part of a poster contest. Middle schoolers Hudson DiMasi-Costaldo, Eva Jaszczuk and Quinn VanderMass and high schoolers Toby Lamb, Vito Ricciardi and Cristina Villella were named winners of their respective contests for their incredible works, which utilized famous Italian icons, expressions and landmarks.